who are we?

Why we made this website

こんにちは!Hi I’m Shiori. 

I have 6 years of experience teaching Japanese. I absolutely love helping people learn Japanese . 

One thing I’ve noticed is that there’s a difference between so called “textbook Japanese” and how people actually speak in real-life conversations.

Don’t get me wrong! Textbooks are great for building a solid foundation in Japanese. However, many students, especially at intermediate stages, struggle with understanding natural conversations, keeping up with fast-paced talk, and using grammar and vocabulary in the right context.

As you advance in your language skills, you’ll encounter more complex sentences and common features in real-life conversations that aren’t covered as much in textbooks, such as: 

  1. Omissions:
    Grasping what’s left unsaid or implied, a key feature in the high-context Japanese language.
  2.  Use of Personal Pronouns:
    Navigating when, who, and whom to use specific pronouns like俺、あたし、おまえ、きみたち, etc.
  3.  Speech Styles:
    Using different speech style including “です・ます polite speech”, “Casual Speech”, or “敬語(けいご)Honorifics” properly depending on who you talk to
  4.  Contractions:
    Exploring colloquial contractions like ら抜き言葉、なきゃ、なくちゃ、とく、使役形、使役受身, etc.
  5.  Common Colloquial Expressions:
    Phrasal verbs, onomatopoeia, high-frequency slangs

And that’s why we’ve set up Kame Japanese Dojo! We’re committed to providing immersive programs that bridge the gap between textbook learning and natural spoken Japanese. Our goal is to make you feel at home with the language, and help you make Japanese music to your ears.


  1. Imperfection 
    Learning a language can feel like a big adventure, and it’s totally okay not to get everything right away.
    It’s like climbing mountains – you connect the dots as time goes on and everything starts to make more sense.
    So, don’t worry about being perfect – it’s all part of the journey.
    By the way, did you know that learning slowly actually helps you a lot in the long run? (Ref: Books)

    As a second language learner myself, I know there’s so much to learn in a foreign language, and it never seems to end.

    Having high goals, like speaking like a native or understanding everything, is awesome for progress. But you know what? If you feel nervous, tired, or stressed when you speak, you might rely more on your stronger language (usually your mother tongue). So, staying positive and chill is so important.

  2. Confidence
    Some of my students told me “I want to speak more confidently in Japanese”
    So, check this out – my life changed after listening to this Podcast episode with Ben Crow.
    Confidence is a big deal, and it comes from three things:
    1. Unconditional Self-Acceptance: Embracing oneself fully, including the imperfections that come with learning a new language.

    2. Self-Belief: Trusting in one’s abilities to learn and improve, believing in the potential to achieve language goals.

    3. Being Confident: Engaging with the language boldly and fearlessly, regardless of making occasional mistakes or momentarily struggling to keep up with conversations.

    As I’ve encountered similar struggles while learning English. Fears of making a mistake or coming off as someone not following the conversation makes me feel nervous and hesitant to speak up, leading to a decrease in focus on the present moment, self-confidence, and self-esteem. I felt incompetent and lost my inner core. This whole mental cycle contradicts the concept of self-acceptance. Of course, it is important to improve ourselves, but just remember that it is not healthy to be too hard on yourself. So, embrace your imperfections and the journey itself.

    We believe in continuous improvement while maintaining self-compassion. Our mission is to provide a supportive and entertaining platform that encourages learners to progress with fun, without being too hard on themselves. Remember, the beauty of language learning lies not only in achieving fluency but also in cherishing the growth, the richess in culture, and communication with other people along the way.

Talk to us

Have any questions?
Are you interested in learning Japanese with us?

We are always open to hearing your feedback and stories about your language learning journey.